Just drag the replay file onto the SC2.exe launcher. This works for shortcuts too. For example, download a replay file to your desktop ("blah.sc2replay"). On your desktop, there is a shortcut to your SC2 exe file (the original is normally in C:/Program Files/Starcraft 2 Beta).
Drag the replay file onto the Sc2.exe shortcut or launcher (it should highlight when ready). It will automatically launch SC2 and load the replay without logging in.
This won't work with a steam launcher, however.
Speaking of which, you can launch SC2 with steam and get the steam overlay plus your "friends game status" say that you're in the game. Just go to the steam toolbar (accessible via the library window, for example), and click "Add non-steam game to library". Find the SC2 launcher (default location listed above) and select that. Then load SC2 only from the library, or right click on the game in the library and make a desktop shortcut.
One note:
It doesn't look like the replay viewing without logging in trick works with previous patches :(
Double clicking on the old replay just works, but make sure it is opening via /support/sc2switcher.exe file. After watching just alt-f4 and click another one.